RedHat Certified System Adminitrator is a systems administrator that has proven to have the sufficient knowledge to maintain and manage a Red Hat Linux enterprise environment. Since college, I have used Linux on and off. At work a few years back I was given the opportunity to take RHSA 1 and 2 courses. Each course is a week long course of labs and direct instruction from a certified RedHat instructor. I took the RHCSA 200 exam at the culmination of Red Hat classes. I didn’t pass, but thats ok. I always wanted to go back and study. So here is my chance of self-study. This will be an on going effort where I can test common tasks that are needed to pass the practical exam.

So as I complete each lab I will link back to this page. For the first lab lets get the three on the same network an talking with each other.

Task 1:
Configure the hostname on workstation1 using hostnamectl.

$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname workstation1
$ hostnamectl

Task 2:
Configure the IP address, Gateway, DNS using nmcli. To list the currently active interfaces use the “nmcli connection” command.

2-a: Assign IPv4 address.

$ nmcli con mod ens3 ipv4.addresses

2-b: Set the gateway address.

$ nmcli con mod ens3 ipv4.gateway

2-c: Configure the DNS.

$ nmcli con mod ens3 ipv4.dns ""

2-d: Set the interface as static.

$ nmcli con mod ens3 ipv4.method manual

2-e: Activate the network interface.

$ nmcli con up ens3 

Task 3:
Use ping to confirm the connection.

Now you can repeat the process with workstation2 and server VMs.

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